Based in Dallas Texas, Uncrewed Aerospace is an end-to-end drone solutions provider helping clients develop scalable drone operations. We provide expert input from inception to full integration of safe, regulatory-compliant operations with a focus on commercial outcomes. The Uncrewed Aerospace team can assess your uncrewed initiatives and develop the budget and execution roadmap to bring the promised business objectives to fruition. "Uncrewed Solutions for a Complex World" Our scope of work includes: - UAS Safety & Certification Strategy - Aviation Advanced Ground Instruction - UAS Instructor Certification & Training - UAM/AAM/UAS Integration Consultancy - UAS Operations Management Consultancy - UAS Personnel Flight Instruction and vetting - Educational Program & Curriculum Consultancy - Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Integration Consultancy - Uncrewed Traffic Management (UTM) Consultancy - Advanced Aerial and Ground-based SAR techniques Https://www.UncrewedAerospace.com