Tyler Rooke has been photographing the Hawaiian archipelago since 2008. His images of Maui and the region as a whole are beautiful reflections of island life, capturing the purity of light & intensity of colour so typical of Hawai'i. His inspiration derives from Maui's spectacular natural features, such as mysterious 'Iao Valley, Haleakalā Crater, road to Hana and its many beautiful bays and beaches. The Cane fields and plantation houses also feature as well as the luxuriant tropical fauna and flora that abound. 10% of every print sold will be donated to Hawai'i Wildlife Fund ( HWF ) to help ensure a healthier ocean for future generations. HWF's efforts were integral to Maui becoming the first island to pass a polystyrene food container ban. When we think of pollution we often think of trash. But chemicals also hurt reefs and coral reefs are dying at an alarming rate. We are witnessing that firsthand here in Hawai'i and it is a topic Tyler is very passionate about. These donations will help persuade our elected officials to pass a ban on sunscreens that are hurting our reefs and educate people about enacting laws to protect our island environment. Born in Southern California, Tyler traveled to the islands of Hawai'i & Fiji for 10 years as a freelance surf photographer. He soon found himself immersed with the Polynesian culture, surreal landscapes and kindhearted locals before taking up permanent residence in Maui and fulfilling his life-long dream of selling his art full-time. His latest travels have recently taken him to remote locations in Indonesia, Australia, México & the Caribbean Islands.