Just a simple dude with a passion for flying in nature. I reside in Oregon here in the United States and spend most if not all of my free time in the mountains capturing footage of waterfalls, lakes, mountains, and anything else that is beautiful here in Oregon. I started droning around 2016 or 17 and my first drone was a DJI Mavic Pro. I now fly with a Mavic 2 Pro and love every minute of the times I get to get out and film. Endless beauty and endless sights I have found here in Oregon. I have no film school background and have never made videos till I got my first Mavic. Then I just fell in love with it. I don’t really have a lot of spare time to learn all the film industry tricks to have the most professional videos but I think I get by. More or less I just want to show people the beauty that we have in our world and maybe get them to see what they are missing by not spending some time in nature. Good for the soul, mind and body it is. It can be a truly humbling experience way up high on a cliffs edge being able to see as far as the eye can see and take it all in. Worth every minute of the long hikes and dusty roads to get to your destination. Becoming a drone pilot has been truly the most amazing and fantastic journey I have ever set out to do.